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Love is Love 


The first picture in this series from the 2015 Gay Pride in New York City, summarizes this whole struggle for equality. Kids show us their true feelings with pure innocence. If all parents and in other words - society as a whole -  accept and show support and love, we probably would be in a much better place today. Acceptance doesn't take much, fighting or degrading and hate consumes much more energy.


Refusing the other simply because they are different only breaks our most valued trait as humans - Love! The ability to love and think is what makes us unique on this planet - if we can think then we should be able to understand our differences. 


The 2015 Gay Pride happened in a historical year that started a new chapter in the fight for equality in this country. A lot still needs to be done, more so within people's minds. Setting laws that promote and protects equality is certainly the right way of heading towards that path. 


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